I got my Mego 12” Batman the ohter today. I have to admit I am a little disappointed, the box is in vary bad shape not bad enough to back out of the deal though. I figured that I quite literally paid nothing for it and the figure is minty mint and I thought when I am I ever going to come across another one.
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Red Robin
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Mego 12" Batman

Okay someone up there hates me! I had just got finished thinking to my self that I had made all my big Batman purchases for the year at least till FANEXPO and now I have a line on a 12” Mego Batman in box. How can I pass that up? The good news is he wants to trade the bad news is I don’t know how I am going to scrape up enough stuff to make an even trade. I mean it kind of is the Granddaddy of Batman figures “mint” in box at that and that is kind of a big deal. But again where am I going to put it? But on the other hand when am I ever going to find another one that I could afford? I will do some digging tonight and see what I can come up with.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Well I am keeping the Eaglemoss Batman and am going to try and repair it. Job one is strip the paint which I will try and do this week. I am hoping it will be pretty straight forward. Once that is done I will try and fix the “ears” using two part putty. This should be simple but they are quite small and I am fairly new to sculpting, not that it will take mad sculpting skills but getting them the right size and position and getting them both the same size and position will be the “hard” part. I am thinking of going with the smaller Andy Kubert version. The painting will be the real easy part and the part I am most looking forward to. I figure since I pretty much have to paint the whole thing I am going to go with the blue and grey then if one day I find and undamaged Batman they will at least be different.
Monday, May 17, 2010
Batmobile project
A long long time ago I started a Batmobile project, I took a 1/24 die cast Batmobile from Johnny Lightning. I stripped the paint and repainted it Blue with a flat black hood. But I was not happy with the color so I stripped it again and repainted it. But this time some little fingers touched it before the paint was dry so I ended up with little finger prints so I stripped it once more and repainted it once more. This time I thought it looked good but I ended up scratching it when I tried to put the chrome bits back on. So this time I am not going to strip it, I am going to send it to professionals, My Brother has a company that does specialized painting so I am going to send it to him to have it painted. The only problem is that he is in Australia so it will cost me a few dimes to send it, but at least I know it will be done right plus there is kind of a cool factor sending it to Australia to be painted professionally.
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Eaglemoss figures
The Eaglemoss figures I am a little sour on and not just because of the Batman’s crushed cowl ears. I really like the Robin and this was kind of the one I was most looking forward to I actually opened Robin first and put him in the glass case. The painting on closer inspection is a little sloppy and I think I could have done a better job and in the case of the Batman I think we will find out, I am thinking of ways to try and repair the damage which will mean repainting. Anyway I still like them I just think they could have been painted better and the packaging could be a little more secure. They are inexpensive but they are not cheap. I guess I was so looking forward to these two figures that it was just such let down because of the Batman damage. I think I would have been more lenient and over looked Robins paint job if it were not for the Batman thing.
1/43 scale elite Batmobile

I can honestly the 1/43 scale elite Batmobile is a work of art! In the back of my head for some reason I thought it was 1/50 despite the fact that it say’s 1/43 on the package and I actually corrected my older post about this model because I had originally referred to it as 1/50 but when I went looking for a picture of it I noticed it was 1/43. Even though I had seen one at a toy show and actually held it in my hand the first thing I noticed when I got mine was that it was big it was, which should have been obvious for the many ranting reasons I listed above. The detail packed into this thing is awesome, I think it may even look better then the 1/18 elite. Little tiny photo etched parts like antenna, seatbelt buckles, the fire extinguisher and the little tiny cord on the little tiny hand set of the little tiny batphone. I can not believe I was going to pas on this Batmobile. I am glad I have both the 1/18 and 1/43 elites but I think if I could only have one I would have to pick the 1/43 a ton of detail at a descent price .
Friday, May 14, 2010
Online purchase
Well I received my 1/43 scale elite Batmobile and Eaglemoss Batman and robin and for the most part I am pleased, the shipping was fast, I received the items I ordered. I was really happy with the Batmobile and the Robin but when it came to the Batman you could say I was crushed, just like the ears on his cowl! I am so torn I am so bothered by the damaged Batman that it is affecting my excitement over the other stuff.
FANEXPO Aug 27-29 2010

Batman guests announced so far are Adam West, Burt Ward and Julie Newmar. Which is pretty exciting in its self but what has me more excited is I have it from a reliable source they will have a 1966 Batmobile and Batcycle! The comic book guest list is not officially announced till the May 17th. I have been going to FANEXPO for at least ten years and Burt Ward is the first guest my wife was been really excited about she even asked me to get his autograph. She has never been that interested in the guests and the have had some big big names over the years if you have a look through there past guest listed on the site. I got her Adam West’s autograph a few years ago and she thought that was cool but with Burt Ward she actually told me I have to get her his autograph, maybe she has a thing for Robin.
Wednesday, May 12, 2010

On one level I like all the Batmobiles, there are some I like more than others there are some I like way more than others. I think my favourite Batmobile or at least the one I would like to drive to work everyday is…..The Tumbler. I liked the Tumbler from the first stills of it I saw before Batman begins and the more I saw of it the more I liked it. The Tumbler is probably the second most well represented Batmobile in my collections I think at last count I had 12 or 13 different Tumbler models. The 1966 Batmobile is my second favourite; I have the most of, that one at around 25 or 26.
Friday, May 7, 2010

Wile on the subject of things I would like to see, in DC Direct “1/6 scale” figure area, I would like to see is a Cassandra Cane Batgirl figure. I don’t have a lot of Batgirl figures but they are all Barbra, not that there is anything wrong with Barbra I would just like a 1/6 Cassandra Cane Batgirl figure along side my 1/6 Barbra Gordon wile I am wishing a Stephanie Brown Batgirl in 1/6 would be nice too.
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Batman 3
Brave and the Bold Wii game

I am kind of looking forward to the Brave and the Bold game supposed to be out…….I heard about it when it was announced but I have not seen anything on it since. I am guessing because of the property and because it’s on the Wii it will be a co-op game, I know it will be no Arkham but I hope it will be fun. It might be fun for my son and I to play, I get to be Batman because his favourite is Plasticman anyway; go figure. Hopefully you can play as Plasticman.
Tuesday, May 4, 2010

As much as I disliked the movie I am hoping we get a 1/18 scale Batman forever batmobile. I have to admit it was never my favourite batmobile but after I built the light up 1/32 Bandi one it kind of grew on me and I think it would look really nice in 1/18 scale. I would also look especially nice on my shelf.
Monday, May 3, 2010
DC Direct 13” figure

I know I have mentioned it before but I would really like to see DC Direct do one of there 13” figures of The Batman from the animated series. I think it would fit well with that line and what’s more I think it would look really good on my shelf. I figure maybe if I say it enough someone at DC Direct may take notice.
Batman merchandise.

I have noticed an almost Pavlovian response in my self when I see Batman merchandise. Pretty much if I see it I need to buy it. I was picking up party supplies for my son’s fifth birthday a dinosaur themed party when I saw batman napkins they had The Brave and the Bold, Dark Knight and The Batman so I thought they would be good to pack in with my son’s lunches. So I bought all three of them.
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Eaglemoss lead figures

I also ordered two more of the Eaglemoss lead figures the Batman and the Robin. The reasoning was the same as with the Batmobile but I also saved on shipping by combining the order plus figured I was never going to find these ones anywhere else. I had put the other ones out and I think they look really good so I just had to have the Batman and the Robin. It does not look right with out those two.
1/43 scale 1966 elite Batmobile

Caved in and ordered the 1/42 scale 1966 elite Batmobile. In one way I really could not afford not to get it because it was about $40 cheaper than at the toy show which is the only place I could find it other than on line, and in another way; a finical way I could not really afford to get it. But I bought it and I guess I have a month to figure out how I am going to pay for it.
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