The retro Mego like figures from DC Direct should be out in a couple of months. I have the Batman and Two Face on pre-order. I personally think they look really good but I know some people don’t really like them; there are the Mego traditionalists who think they are too updated, specifically the “oven mitts” are gone. Which I don’t have a problem with I was never a big fan of “oven mitts” you could never keep them on which is why it is so hard to find complete original Mego figures. Besides if I wanted old classic Mego Batman figures I would buy old classic Mego Batman figures; which I do and I did. Then there is the other camp which thinks they are too goofy looking. I think probably the majority of them are most a younger born after 1980’s and are kind of spoiled with all the DC Direct and Hot Toys and such. Well again if I wanted ultra realistic figures I would buy ultra realistic figures; which I do and I do. I think it is kind of funny that one group thinks they look to “good” and another thinks they don’t look “good” enough. Like I said I think they look good, great in fact. I guess that my problem is I just want it all, if its batman or batman related I want it.
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