I don’t know if I mentioned it or not but I am quite excited about FANEXPO, why you ask. Well let me see Adam West, Burt Ward, Julie Newmar, Gary Frank, Andy Kubert, Brian Azzarello, the 1966 Batmobile and Batcycle for starters. Then on top of all that you have over 600 retailers and if that’s not enough to give you a nerdgasm then you should probably check your pulse.
Thursday, June 17, 2010
I have not made any purchases lately I am trying to avoid even looking, I am not going to my favourite online retailer and I am not making any toy hunting trips. I know there will be a greater selection and better prices at FANEXPO. I am kind of hoping for maybe some Black and White Batman statues maybe some Eaglemoss figures at a good price I have a few action figure wants which I posted earlier. I may also try and get some Batman sketches from my favourite Batman artists. We shall see, I don’t want to wish my whole summer away but I am so looking forward to FANEXPO.
It has been a wile since I have had anything to post about. I am getting closer to getting the Batcave project finished, I mean I am not finished but I am one step closer. I am really hoping I can get it done by say October or November. I don’t know if I can but I will try. The plan is no Christmas presents for the olds just the kids then come Boxing Day…50+ inch plasma and a PS3! I am looking at the space and I am thinking two more glass cases will fit in one alcove I think I may have to share them though. I will then have shelves running down the rest of the length of the wall which will pretty much be all batman stuff. I will need some wall space for autographs and pictures and such. And I also have some non-batman that I am not sure what I am going to do with. I have a quite a few 1/6 military figures and a large Simpson’s collection. The Simpson’s stuff I have kind of lost interest in but the Military figures I would have a hard time parting with.
Friday, June 4, 2010
Retro Mego like figures

I had the same “discussion” again with a friend about the new retro Mego like figures. He was having a whinge about how the should not have tried to improve them and they should have just made exact copies of the originals. So let me get this straight; they look to good? They don’t look goofy enough? To which I replied if I wanted an original 1970’s Mego Batman I would buy one which I do and I did; but good luck finding a 1970’s Mego Two Face (since the never made one). I mean for all intents and purposes these are bigger production customs. If you don’t like it don’t buy it and don’t knock me for liking them or buying them.
It’s been a little wile since I have had anything to post. No new acquisitions other that the Jim Lee lithograph. As I have mentioned before most of my collection is packed away right now and I only have a small portion of the collection out. But I change out some stuff, I might move stuff around in the case dust them off a bit; I also have a few items in other places around the house. I look at them every day at least twice a day sometimes more. I can’t explain the feeling I get from it; the joy my collection brings me, I know to some people don’t “get it” or think it’s kind of weird; but I can’t be the only one on the planet that feels this way about a hobby. I have been asked a few time by different people what I am going to do with all this stuff; my answer is I am going to enjoy it.
Thursday, June 3, 2010
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